How to get the best possible wedding film

With wedding films growing in popularity, they're becoming more of an expectation than a luxury. How can you make sure that your film has family and friends "ohh-ing" and "ahh-ing?"

There are many factor's that affect the final film, most of which come down to the filmmaker. You'll want to choose the right one for you, one that matches your style. But there are things you can do to make sure the filmmaker has the most to work with. 

1. Location, location, location.

You don't need to have the most amazing venue to get a great film. Sometimes simple works REALLY well. The most important consideration is light. Big windows, natural light, and outdoor settings work well. However, direct sunlight can cause unflattering shadows, so if you plan to shoot outside try and keep the sun behind you. Make sure you discuss your location's with the cinematographer so they know what to expect.

Hot Tip: "I find the most difficult part of the day is often the prep where people are getting ready. Small messy rooms can be very hard to shoot. Make sure you have a clean room or corner with a window available."

2. Get your groove on!

Movement is everything for a cinematographer. This is the main difference between photo and film. Pictures capture a single moment, where as film tell's a fluid story. This can mean actually moving yourselves. Going in for a kiss, dancing together, walking and holding hands. However, it also means camera movement. Watch any movie and notice how often the camera stay's still. Spoiler alert: it's not often. Even subtle movements are effective at giving your film that cinematic feel. When choosing a cinematographer, look at their work and see how often the camera moves vs. sit's still on a tripod. 

Hot Tip: "Be okay with looking silly! Sometimes I ask couples to do funny sounding movements and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I never choose footage that doesn't make you look your best. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone!"

3. Film and Photo need to work together.

Filmmaker's generally default to photographer's when it comes to choosing portrait locations. They each need to be able to work well together to ensure both get the best shot's. Artists who are at odds all day will end up fighting for the best shot leaving you with sub-par photo's and film. Check with your cinematographer and ask who they work well with, or vice versa. Generally they will be happy to recommend someone.

Hot Tip: "I've heard too many horror stories from photographers who have missed key moments because the videographer was inexperienced and got in the shot. That's just not necessary, we can both get great angles." 

4. Time wait's for no one.

Not enough time! Beside's not having access to good light, this is the easiest way to get a bad film. When you're planning out your portrait session, make sure you schedule enough time for both the photographer and cinematographer. Plan on having at least 30 minutes - 1 hour blocked off during the day for your portrait session, even if you also choose to do a first look.

Hot Tip: "I totally understand you want to enjoy your guest's. Do it! Just make sure to set aside time when you'll be relaxed to work with your photographer and cinematographer where you won't be bothered by friends or relatives."

5. Have fun! 

Relax. Have fun! You've put in a ton of effort to make this day possible, and you should enjoy it. The more fun you have and the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for the photo and film team to do there job. Try and plan moment's where you can just relax and enjoy the day and get some alone time with your new spouse. No camera's, no guests, no wedding planner, just you.

Hot Tip: "Don't forget to laugh! Oh, and make sure to cut up a few rug's on that dance floor, just for fun."

About the author

Chad Bowditch is an award winning wedding filmmaker based out of Philadelphia, PA. He founded Mist + Moss for the purpose of bringing beauty and art to all weddings.


Intimate mountain top wedding // Promise Ridge micro-wedding - Stroudsburg PA


5 Tips To Find The Right Wedding Videographer